3 Basic Yet Most Effective Tactics To Boost Your Instagram Reach

3 Basic Yet Most Effective Tactics To Boost Your Instagram Reach

Imagine yourself as an Instagram user, and you’ll ultimately know how to run an effective marketing campaign on the app. Because user’s interest is at the heart of any marketing strategy. All you need to do is figure out what your consumer wants to have on their feed.

You’ll see the content on your feed that you enjoy watching. It’s because of the current tactic of the Instagram algorithm. It allows the content to surface on a user’s feed that is relevant to his/her interests. And if the algorithm by any means finds out that the user will fail to resonate with your content, then it wouldn’t let it show up.

Reach or Impression: What Should I Seek? 

You can buy Instagram impressions, too, but they’ll only boost your engagement and not the reach. If you aim to increase your reach, you must fulfill the standards of the Instagram algorithm. In case you’re still confused between Instagram reach and impression, here are the simple definitions of both terms:

Impression: It’s the total number of views on your post, and if the same account has viewed your post twice, it’ll be considered two. 

Reach: The number of times a unique user views your post is the reach, and your reach won’t increase if the same person keeps watching your post multiple times. 

Where this recent update in the Instagram algorithm has established transparency, it has also affected many accounts’ reach to a greater extent. There’s a clear frustration among the marketers as to how they can improve their reach. So we’ve put together 3 easiest and very practical tactics that one can adopt to make a difference. 

When other marketers are busy looking for websites so they can buy IGTV views, here we’re pondering over what, when, and how to post. Because that’s what will pave your way to achieve the goal. 

What To Post: Your Content Reflects Who You Are

Whatever you’re posting must have some meaning or information about your brand. Posting random stuff doesn’t add value to your account. You must be creative with your content and the way you display it. Your posts must be unique so they can keep the viewers intact. Combining both information and fun is considered the best way to retain your followers and gain more. 

When To Post: Time Is Money, Spend It Wisely

Having a business account on Instagram brings you many advantages. You’ll have access to Instagram insights where you can keep a check on your target audience’s activity. The hour of the day and day of the week when the majority is online, so you can post your content in time. It’ll increase the chances of your content appearing instantly in the feed of many users. And if the content suits their interests, their engagement will help you bring it to more new users. 

How To Post: Never Compromise On The Quality 

Maintaining the posting frequency and content quality at a time seems like a tough row to hoe. It’s evident to post frequently, so your followers won’t forget that you exist. Meanwhile, posting fluff won’t either bring any good to you. The best solution is to start with one or two posts daily. It’s enough unless your mind is flooded with unique and captivating ideas. And if you’re running out of new content, you can engage your followers via hashtags, polls, and Q/A stories. 


It’s always easier said than done. That’s why many entrepreneurs prefer to buy Instagram impressions rather than spend time gathering genuine followers. But remember that by investing time to gain organic reach, the rewards can be far beyond what you’ll get from the paid method. 

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